Sunday, June 29, 2008

Stormwater Engineering & Management

At class last week I spoke about stormwater engineering and management in Arlington. I hope I was able to keep your interest... even though the dog park was right behind us and those dogs were so cute! Jim had mentioned that he collects storm water in holding tanks and also told of about a few buildings in Arlington that collect stormwater in large tanks and wait until the stormwater has cooled down before releasing it, so that the temperature of nearby streams do not increase.I know on my parents collect stormwater in barrels and use it to water their garden later.

If you have ever seen pictures of houses in Bermuda, nearly every house has a white roof made of limestone and the roof also has many layers that look like steps. The limestone acts as an anti-bacterial agent when rainwater hits the roof and trickles into large holding tanks. The step-like layers create a larger surface area for the rainwater to touch, acting like a large filter. All the filtered rainwater collected is used by the household to wash, drink and cook with, as this is the island's only source of freshwater.

Does anyone in class collect stormwater to use later? If you are not currently collecting stormwater have you thought about it since the stormwater presentation or have you heard of other ways to utilize stormwater?


Anonymous said...

I am very interested in installing rainbarrels.

Is it customary to have one at each downspout (my house would have 4), or does one just pick their favorite downspout to attach the rain barrel to?

I am assuming the rain garden Elenor Hodges spoke about briefly yesterday would be an ideal overflow destination for the rainbarrel. I think that ceasing to cut the grass (I am using that term loosely; 'greenery would be more honest) in my back yard would be the most environmentally responsible approach I could take with regards to creating a good, strong buffer zone around our creek.

webby said...

I liked the idea of rainbarrels too! I did some research and found some links that might be helpful. The links are attached in the link section below this post.